Friday, May 15, 2020

My Personal Philosophy Of Special Education - 878 Words

This is a Summary about my personal Philosophy of Special Education. I will be giving my thoughts on the Purpose of schooling, Nature of Learners, Curriculum, Instructional Methods, Classroom management, Assessment practices and Professional relationships with family and community. Purpose of Schooling Special education has been a very important topic through the years since the beginning of the education program in the United States because of its philosophy on inclusion and educating individuals no matter their condition, context or cultural status. The purpose of Schooling students with special need is basic and fundamental for the growth of our Nation, is to identify children with unusual needs and help them fulfill those needs†¦show more content†¦Curriculum A curriculum tells you what to teach and when to teach it. The curriculum has to be linked to the state standards, that includes all the materials, strategies that we can use in our classroom, regular class educators don’t have to think outside the box, special Ed teachers have to think outside the box, the regular curriculum does not give you all the tools that you need to teach a special need students, this is why we always have to be thinking about accommodation and individualize education. Instructional Method I believe that the best instructional method for special needs students is the interactive and experimental method. Getting special needs student’s attention is not easy, but if we instruct them through themes of their interest it will become easier for their learning experience. I have seen students learn the numbers counting sharks, because that what they like. My philosophy with the instructional method is: if it gets their attention, let use it for the main goal that is for them to learn as much as they can. Classroom management It doesn’t matter if it is a regular class or a Special education class; order it is not an option. I know that Special Ed classes can be lightly loud, but that is not an excuse to not own the classroom. Learning experience comes when students are focusing and engaging with the theme and the educator and this goes to regular and Special Ed classes. WhenShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Philosophy of Special Education Essay1034 Words   |  5 PagesMy personal philosophy of special education drives not from teaching in the field, but from, observations, and personal experience, and the workshops I attended. I have had the opportunity to work with individuals with special needs in many different settings, all this help cultivate my knowledge in handling the needs of the special needed student. Special needs students have the ability to learn, to function, to grow, and most importantly to succeed. 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