Monday, February 24, 2020

BSc Accounting Programme -- Management Accounting -- Absorption vs Essay

BSc Accounting Programme -- Management Accounting -- Absorption vs Marginal Costing - Essay Example more value at lower cost.† In absorption costing apart from the direct costs which are allocated to the cost centers and the units produced, indirect costs are apportioned to the cost centers and the units produced on equitable basis. In the marginal costing system, the fixed and variable costs are segregated for ascertaining the effect of changes in volume on profit. The marginal cost will be very useful in taking management decisions. There are advantages as well as disadvantages in both the types of costing techniques. But, it is important to note that a good cost accounting system will be useful in identifying the unprofitable activities in an organization and inefficiencies in the system in any form. Variance analysis made by using cost accounting will be useful in highlighting the deviations from the planned performance for taking suitable management action. Absorption costing or marginal costing is used depending upon the purpose of the management activities. Wherever material, labor and expenses could be identified with the cost centers they are directly allocated to them. Indirect materials, labor and expenses which could not be directly allocated to the cost centers are apportioned to the cost centers on equitable basis. â€Å"Full absorption costing is a costing method that accounts for all costs to the units produced by the activities of an organization through cost drivers.† (Galang-Manalo & Valenzuela-Manalo, 2011, 1.8.4) Materials, labor and expenses which do not form part of the finished products are known as indirect material, labor or expenses as the case may be. These are collectively called as overheads. The overheads are subdivided into production overheads, administration overheads, selling overheads and distribution overheads. Cost apportionment involves apportionment of the indirect costs to various cost centers on an equitable basis. For example, Works Managers salary needs to be apportioned to various departments such as

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Operating Systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Operating Systems - Research Paper Example There are several and diverse components of an operating system that include but not limited to the file management, security, memory and process management. It is worthwhile to compare each operating system to evaluate and assess the above given components of an operating system. The following paragraphs present the comparison of basic operating systems with respect to the above given features (Solomon, Russinovich & Polze, 2006). The file management system refers to the organization, management and manipulation of computer data in documents and files that is provided by the file manager (different with respect to the operating system) through a graphical user interface. The computer documents and files can be created, edited (existing file), viewed and deleted from the computer memory as well as the files can be arranged in computer directories / folders. The process of file management differs with respect to the operating system as presented in the following paragraphs (Goel, 2010). There are several file managers used by Microsoft Windows only that include but not limited to the Altap Salamander, FAR Manager, File Manager, Windows Explorer etc. The files are placed in the folders and the index contains the file information known as File Allocation Table (FAT). One of the latest file management systems of the Windows is the New Technology File System (NTFS). The NTFS store owner name, it provides POSIX file permissions, creation timestamps, last access timestamp, and last content modification timestamp. The Mac operating system uses the file managers that include: the Disk Order, Finder, Path Finder, and Xfile. The Disk order file manager provides the graphical user interface and shows the files as list view and twin panel view only. The Finder and Path Finder file managers show the icon, list view, panel view,